Es werden alle 15 Ergebnisse angezeigt
Autor | Titel | Ort | Verlag | Jahr | Preis |
Lambert, Richard D. (ed.) / Heston, Alan W. (ass. ed.) | The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science. 52 Vol. from 1975-1994 (Vol. 417, 423, 452, 478, 483, 484, 486-494, 499-535). | London / New Delhi | SAGE Periodicals Press | 1975 | €135,00 |
Vojan, Napsal Jar E. S. | Velky New York. (Greater New York). | New York | n. n. | 1908 | €65,00 |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts | A history and description of the Boston Metropolitan Parks. | Boston | Wright & Potter | 1900 | €50,00 |
Indian - Leupp, Francis E. | The Indian and his Problem. | New York | Charles Scribner's Sons | 1910 | €45,00 |
Prown, Jules David / Rose, Barbara | Amerikanische Malerei. Von der Kolonialzeit bis zur Gegenwart. | Genf | Skira | 1969 | €45,00 |
Scheffauer H. G. | Zeme bozi. Tvar nove ameriky. | Praha | Vaclav Petr | 1929 | €35,00 |
Plumbe, George E. | Chicago. The Great Industrial and Commercial Center of the Mississippi Valley. AN Area with an Annual Tonnage of Twenty-two Billion Tons. | Chicago | The Civic-Industrial Committee of the Chicago Association of Commerce | 1912 | €30,00 |
Stone, George F. | The Forty-Second Annual Report of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago. For the Year ending December 31, 1899. Compiled for the Board of Trade. | Chicago | The J. M. W. Jones Stationery and Printing Co. | 1900 | €30,00 |
Sifton, Clifford | Canada. | Ottawa | n. n. | €25,00 | |
Niagara - | New Album of Niagara Falls. Complete Guide to the Grand Cataract. Text + Leporello in 12 parts. English text. | Portland, ME. | Chisholm Bros. | €25,00 | |
American slavery. A reprint of an article on „Uncle Tom’s Cabin“, and of Mr. Sumner’s speech of the 19th and 20th of May, 1856. With a notice of the events which followed that speech. | London | Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts | 1856 | €24,00 | |
Deak, Gloria-Gilda | American Views. Prospects and Vistas. | New York | The New York Public Library | 1976 | €20,00 |
Lipman, Jean | American Folk Art in Wood, Metal and Stone. | New York | Pantheon | 1948 | €14,00 |
Updike, John | Seek my face. | New York | Alfred A Knopf | 2002 | €10,00 |
Dickason, David Howard | The Daring Young Men. The Story of the American Pre-Raphaelites. | Bloomington | Indiana University Press | 1953 | €10,00 |
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