
26–50 von 53 Ergebnissen werden angezeigt.

Autor Titel Ort Verlag Jahr Preis
Tait, JamesHome Trade Guide. Specially Arranged for the use of Candidates who are anxious to prepare themselves in an easy and rapid manner for the board of trade examinations. 7th ed.

Home Trade Guide. Specially Arranged for the use of Candidates who are anxious to prepare themselves in an easy and rapid manner for the board of trade examinations. 7th ed.

GlasgowJames Brown & Son, Nautical Press 35,00
Harding, RichardCotton in Australia. The Possibilities and Limitations of Australia as a Cotton-Growing Country.

Cotton in Australia. The Possibilities and Limitations of Australia as a Cotton-Growing Country.

LondonLongmans, Green and Co.1924 35,00
Scott, HerbertEnglisch, French and German Banking Terms, Phrases and Correspondence. Arranged in Parallel Dictionary Form.

Englisch, French and German Banking Terms, Phrases and Correspondence. Arranged in Parallel Dictionary Form.

LondonEffingham Wilson1926 30,00
Davies, Joseph (Ed.) / Hailey, C. P. (Ed.)Business Prospects Year Book, 1911.

Business Prospects Year Book, 1911.

LondonThe Business Statistics Publishing / The Financial Times1911 30,00
Plumbe, George E.Chicago. The Great Industrial and Commercial Center of the Mississippi Valley. AN Area with an Annual Tonnage of Twenty-two Billion Tons.

Chicago. The Great Industrial and Commercial Center of the Mississippi Valley. AN Area with an Annual Tonnage of Twenty-two Billion Tons.

ChicagoThe Civic-Industrial Committee of the Chicago Association of Commerce1912 30,00
Stone, George F.The Forty-Second Annual Report of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago. For the Year ending December 31, 1899. Compiled for the Board of Trade.

The Forty-Second Annual Report of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago. For the Year ending December 31, 1899. Compiled for the Board of Trade.

ChicagoThe J. M. W. Jones Stationery and Printing Co.1900 30,00
Manchester Guardian Commercial Year Book -Platzhalter

The M.G.C. Manchester Year Book 1921.

ManchesterGuardian1921 30,00
Eyre Pascoe, Charles (Ed.)The Chambers of Commerce Year-Book. A Directory of Places in the United Kingdom, where they are instituted and a Record of their Aims and ork. Supplemented by Specially Contributed Articles and other Information. Vol. 1. January, 1908 to January, 1909.

The Chambers of Commerce Year-Book. A Directory of Places in the United Kingdom, where they are instituted and a Record of their Aims and ork. Supplemented by Specially Contributed Articles and other Information. Vol. 1. January, 1908 to January, 1909.

YorkBen Johnson & Company1909 30,00
Campbell, Charles / Kirkaldy, Adam W.The Trade, Commerce and Shipping of the Empire.

The Trade, Commerce and Shipping of the Empire.

LondonW. Collins Sons & Co1924 30,00
Murray, Kenric B.Platzhalter

The Year-Book of Commerce. An Annual Statistical Volume of Reference, prepared specially for Business Men. Second Year (1891-1892).

London/Paris/MelbourneCassell & Company1891 30,00
Murray, Kenric B.Platzhalter

The Year-Book of Commerce. An Annual Statistical Volume of Reference, prepared specially for Business Men. Second Year (1890-1891).

London/Paris/MelbourneCassell & Company1890 30,00
Three Textile Raw Materials and their Manufacture.

Three Textile Raw Materials and their Manufacture.

New YorkInternational Acceptance Bank1924 30,00
Polen -4 Bücher in 1 - 1: Polish export goods 1934. - 2: Polish export goods 1936. - 3: Poland's export goods. Section A: Smelting and metal manufacturing industries. - 4: Poland's export goods. Section B: Textile industry.

4 Bücher in 1 – 1: Polish export goods 1934. – 2: Polish export goods 1936. – 3: Poland’s export goods. Section A: Smelting and metal manufacturing industries. – 4: Poland’s export goods. Section B: Textile industry.

Warszawaversch. Verlage1934 30,00
Inglis, WilliamChambers´s Book-Keeping.

Chambers´s Book-Keeping.

London and EdinburghW. & R. Chambers1902 28,00
Book-Keeping -The ideal Manuscript Books for Book-Keeping in 4 books [Without text].

The ideal Manuscript Books for Book-Keeping in 4 books [Without text].

LondonPitman & Sons 25,00
Slejhar, Jos. K. / Zenkl, PetrPlatzhalter

Cítanka proskoly obchodní. 2 vol. (Díl první / Díl druhý).

PrahaCeská grafická Unie1920 25,00
Nassau, WilliamThree Lectures on the Cost of Obtaining Money, and on some Effects of Private and Government Paper Money; delivered before the University of Oxford in Trinity Term, 1829. Reprint.

Three Lectures on the Cost of Obtaining Money, and on some Effects of Private and Government Paper Money; delivered before the University of Oxford in Trinity Term, 1829. Reprint.

LondonLondon School of Economics and Political Science1931 25,00
King, JosephInterest Tables, calculated at five per cent. From one day to 365 days. Also, monthly interest tables, from one month to twelve months, yearly interest tables, from one year to thirteen years, and commission tables (...)

Interest Tables, calculated at five per cent. From one day to 365 days. Also, monthly interest tables, from one month to twelve months, yearly interest tables, from one year to thirteen years, and commission tables (…)

LondonWilliam Tegg1869 25,00
Prohaska, DragutinHrvatska citanka za prvi i drugi razred visih trgovackih skola.

Hrvatska citanka za prvi i drugi razred visih trgovackih skola.

ZagrebTrosak i Naklada Kr. Hrv.-Slav.-Dalm. Zem. Vlade1910 20,00
Rubichon / Mounier, L.Des Beaux Arts; de l'Éducation; de la Pauvreté; de la Justice Criminelle; de l'Armée; dans la Grande-Bretagne et en Irlande.

Des Beaux Arts; de l’Éducation; de la Pauvreté; de la Justice Criminelle; de l’Armée; dans la Grande-Bretagne et en Irlande.

Vienne / ParisCharles Gerold / Treuttel et Würtz1843 20,00

Poland’s Export Goods. Exportation de Produits Polonais. Section C: Chemical Industries. Industrie Chimique. Section D: Glass, Ceramic and Cement Industries. Industrie Verriere, Ceramique et du Ciment. Edition 3. – Texts engl. + fr.

WarszawaState Export Institute / Institut National d'Exportation1938 20,00
Dawson, G. M.Platzhalter

Paris International Exhibition 1900: Economic minerals of Canada.

N. p.Commission for the Exhibition1900 20,00
Anderson, WilliamPractical Mercantile Correspondence. A Collection of Modern Letters of Business, with notes critical and explanatory, and an appendix containing a dictionary of commercial technicalities, also an explanation of the German chain rule. 31st ed.

Practical Mercantile Correspondence. A Collection of Modern Letters of Business, with notes critical and explanatory, and an appendix containing a dictionary of commercial technicalities, also an explanation of the German chain rule. 31st ed.

LondonKegan Paul, Trench, Trübner1897 18,00

The Kingdom of the Serbians, Croates and Slovenes (Jugoslavia). A detailed account of the economic and cultural life of the Kingdom.

London / Vienna / New YorkReconstruction Publishing Co. 15,00
Sulentic, DinkoPlatzhalter

Trgovacko Dopisivanje (Korespondencija) za porabu u visim trgovackim skolama i u Praksi.

ZagrebTroksom i Nakladom Kr. Hrv.-Slav.-Dalm. Zemaljske Vlade1900 15,00

26–50 von 53 Ergebnissen werden angezeigt.