
Es werden alle 24 Ergebnisse angezeigt

Autor Titel Ort Verlag Jahr Preis
L´exportateur francais 1922 (26 cahiers)L´EXPORTATEUR FRANCAIS. Annee 1922: Juillet- aout-september. Ensemble comprenant 26 cahiers en 2 tomes.

L´EXPORTATEUR FRANCAIS. Annee 1922: Juillet- aout-september. Ensemble comprenant 26 cahiers en 2 tomes.

Paris1922 470,00
Baden Powell, Baden HenryHand-book of the Economic Products of the Punjab, with a combined index and glossary of technical vernacular words. 2 vol.

Hand-book of the Economic Products of the Punjab, with a combined index and glossary of technical vernacular words. 2 vol.

Roorkee / LahoreThomason Civil Engineering College Press / Punjab Printing Company1868 450,00
Norges Oplysningskontor for Næringsveiene (ed.)Norges Eksportkalender. 7 vol. (1904, 1905, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1916, 1919).

Norges Eksportkalender. 7 vol. (1904, 1905, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1916, 1919).

Kristiania [Oslo]Alb. Cammermeyers Forlag1903 250,00
Manufacture Francaise d´Armes & CyclesArmes - Munitions / Cycles - Sports - Jeux - Voyage / Articles et Engins de Peche / Machines a Ecrire / Coutellerie - Horlogerie - Bijouterie / La Maison / Outillage - Quincaillerie / Agriculture.

Armes – Munitions / Cycles – Sports – Jeux – Voyage / Articles et Engins de Peche / Machines a Ecrire / Coutellerie – Horlogerie – Bijouterie / La Maison / Outillage – Quincaillerie / Agriculture.

Saint-Etienne 240,00
Aldrich, Nelson W.Wholesale Prices, Wages and Transportation. 52d Congress, 2d Session. Report 1394. March 3, 1893. 4 vol. (= complete).

Wholesale Prices, Wages and Transportation. 52d Congress, 2d Session. Report 1394. March 3, 1893. 4 vol. (= complete).

WashingtonGovernment Printing Office1893 200,00
Hopkins, ManleyPlatzhalter

A Handbook of Average, For the Use of Merchants, Agents, Ship-owners, Masters, and Others: with a Chapter on Arbitration. To which are added Appendices containing some of the most recent and important Decisions in our Courts … 2. edition.

LondonSmith, Elder and Co.1859 150,00

The Debate upon the Corn Laws, the Corn Importation and Customs‘ Duties Bills, and the other financial measures of the Government, in session 1846. Reprinted, by Permission, from „Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates“. 2 vol.

LondonOffice of the Society for the Protection of Agriculture and British Industry1846 130,00
Franklyn, H. MortimerPlatzhalter

A glance at Australia in 1880: or, Food from the South: showing the present condition and production of some of its leading industries, namely, wool, wine, grain, dressed meat, etc. … the rise and progress of some of the leading mercantile houses …

MelbourneVictorian Review Publ. Comp.1881 80,00
Jackson, Frederick Huth / Armitage-Smith, G. / Bruce, Robert / Owen, Douglas / Barling, W.E. / Bisgood, J. J. / Greenwell, Allan / Graham, JamesLectures on British Commerce including Finance, Insurance, Business and Industry. With a Preface by W. Pember Reeves.

Lectures on British Commerce including Finance, Insurance, Business and Industry. With a Preface by W. Pember Reeves.

LondonSir Isaac Pitman1912 70,00
Schard, LouisÖsterrikes Industri och Handel. Redogörelse för detta lands viktigaste industrigrenar. Utgifven med anledning af den österrikiska Industriutställningen i Stockholm 1901. Österreichs Industrie und Handel. Beschreibung der wichtigsten Industriezweige (...)

Österrikes Industri och Handel. Redogörelse för detta lands viktigaste industrigrenar. Utgifven med anledning af den österrikiska Industriutställningen i Stockholm 1901. Österreichs Industrie und Handel. Beschreibung der wichtigsten Industriezweige (…)

StockholmA.B. Nordiska Bokhandeln1902 70,00
Everwijn, J. C. A.Platzhalter

Beschrijving van Handel en Nijverheid in Nederland. Derde Deel (3rd Vol.): Historisch-Economische Atlas.

GavenhagenN. V. Boekhandel / Gebrs. Belinfante1912 65,00
Kemp, P. H. van derOost-Indie's Geldmiddelen. Japansche en chineesche Handel van 1817 op 1818. In en Uitvorrechten, Opium, Zout, Tolpoorten, Kleinzegel, Boschwezen, Decima, Canton. Naar Oorspronkelijke stukken.

Oost-Indie’s Geldmiddelen. Japansche en chineesche Handel van 1817 op 1818. In en Uitvorrechten, Opium, Zout, Tolpoorten, Kleinzegel, Boschwezen, Decima, Canton. Naar Oorspronkelijke stukken.

's-GravenhageMartinus Nijhoff1919 50,00
Charter, Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Including Revisions up to January 24, 1920.

Charter, Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Including Revisions up to January 24, 1920.

New OrleansPress of the L. Graham Co.1920 45,00
Heaton, Ernest (ed.)2 Vol. - Heaton´s Annual. The Commercial Handbook of Canada and Boards of Trade Register. Seventh Year 1911 and Eighth Year 1912.

2 Vol. – Heaton´s Annual. The Commercial Handbook of Canada and Boards of Trade Register. Seventh Year 1911 and Eighth Year 1912.

Toronto1911 40,00
Tait, JamesHome Trade Guide. Specially Arranged for the use of Candidates who are anxious to prepare themselves in an easy and rapid manner for the board of trade examinations. 7th ed.

Home Trade Guide. Specially Arranged for the use of Candidates who are anxious to prepare themselves in an easy and rapid manner for the board of trade examinations. 7th ed.

GlasgowJames Brown & Son, Nautical Press 35,00
Davies, Joseph (Ed.) / Hailey, C. P. (Ed.)Business Prospects Year Book, 1911.

Business Prospects Year Book, 1911.

LondonThe Business Statistics Publishing / The Financial Times1911 30,00
Hayter, Henry HeylynVictorian Year-Book for 1883-4. (Eleventh Year of Issue.)

Victorian Year-Book for 1883-4. (Eleventh Year of Issue.)

Melbourne / LondonJohn Ferres / Trübner and Co.1884 30,00
Plumbe, George E.Chicago. The Great Industrial and Commercial Center of the Mississippi Valley. AN Area with an Annual Tonnage of Twenty-two Billion Tons.

Chicago. The Great Industrial and Commercial Center of the Mississippi Valley. AN Area with an Annual Tonnage of Twenty-two Billion Tons.

ChicagoThe Civic-Industrial Committee of the Chicago Association of Commerce1912 30,00
Stone, George F.The Forty-Second Annual Report of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago. For the Year ending December 31, 1899. Compiled for the Board of Trade.

The Forty-Second Annual Report of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago. For the Year ending December 31, 1899. Compiled for the Board of Trade.

ChicagoThe J. M. W. Jones Stationery and Printing Co.1900 30,00
Manchester Guardian Commercial Year Book -Platzhalter

The M.G.C. Manchester Year Book 1921.

ManchesterGuardian1921 30,00
Eyre Pascoe, Charles (Ed.)The Chambers of Commerce Year-Book. A Directory of Places in the United Kingdom, where they are instituted and a Record of their Aims and ork. Supplemented by Specially Contributed Articles and other Information. Vol. 1. January, 1908 to January, 1909.

The Chambers of Commerce Year-Book. A Directory of Places in the United Kingdom, where they are instituted and a Record of their Aims and ork. Supplemented by Specially Contributed Articles and other Information. Vol. 1. January, 1908 to January, 1909.

YorkBen Johnson & Company1909 30,00
Murray, Kenric B.Platzhalter

The Year-Book of Commerce. An Annual Statistical Volume of Reference, prepared specially for Business Men. Second Year (1891-1892).

London/Paris/MelbourneCassell & Company1891 30,00
Murray, Kenric B.Platzhalter

The Year-Book of Commerce. An Annual Statistical Volume of Reference, prepared specially for Business Men. Second Year (1890-1891).

London/Paris/MelbourneCassell & Company1890 30,00
Polen -4 Bücher in 1 - 1: Polish export goods 1934. - 2: Polish export goods 1936. - 3: Poland's export goods. Section A: Smelting and metal manufacturing industries. - 4: Poland's export goods. Section B: Textile industry.

4 Bücher in 1 – 1: Polish export goods 1934. – 2: Polish export goods 1936. – 3: Poland’s export goods. Section A: Smelting and metal manufacturing industries. – 4: Poland’s export goods. Section B: Textile industry.

Warszawaversch. Verlage1934 30,00

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